IoTSI Guest Authors

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IoTSI Guest Authors are Cyber and Technology industry leaders within Smart Tech, Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure eco-systems.Their contributions provide an insight into the opportunities and challenges present within the various sectors. If you, or your organization would like to contribute as an IoTSI Guest Author please send topic and company information via our Contact Page.


The Case for Open FAIR – The Open Group  FAIR Risk Management

Risk Management is an integral part of today’s organizations. The qualitative frameworks have managed to surface organizational risk profiles, facilitating their management. We often view architecture as a triumph of human communication, allowing the architecture to be understood by all interested parties.

eP Consultants

DePIN, IoT Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure

With the rise of cloud service providers and the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT), an increasingly common solution incorporates smart sensor networks communicating with cloud-hosted applications.

The competitive nature of cloud service providers has seen the increasing support for IoT services, including IoT gateways and APIs. For instance AWS’ Lambda with Greengrass solution providing virtual ‘shadows’ of devices that are offlineThese innovations are making the IoT to Cloud pattern ubiquitous. Many IoT devices now comes with pre-configured access to the Cloud, witness the AWS and Microchip partnership to achieve exactly this

eP Consultants



Decentralised Physical Infrastructure (DePIN)

Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) is an innovative trend in infrastructure as a service (IaaS) that might disrupt the current major providers, including AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle and IBM. 

The key differentiator is decentralisation. The service is crowd-sourced rather than supplied by a (central) corporation. In 2024, it may seem unlikely for any business to build its information technology (IT) infrastructure on something other than tier-1 trusted suppliers, such as IBM, Amazon and Google

eP Consultants


Hackers don’t give a toss about policy

Quite an attention seeking title I would think. Apart from the obvious read further carrot I think there is a place for commentary on this subject. I am sure many of my industry colleagues will disagree,but have we been lured into a false sense of security relying on policies and accreditation certificates? Now let me say upfront only a fool would suggest that regulatory standards and accreditation are pointless and without purpose. The question here is have we relied on them to solve all our problems? Have organisations moved away from security tools, intelligence gathering and actionable evidence in preference for documentation controls?


What is privacy?

It’s easy to assume that we are all on the same page about what privacy is. But, as information technologies, machine learning, social media, cloud services and the availability of data driven gadgetry increasingly bridge the privacy profession with cyber security, data analytics, risk management and others, it’s important to unpack the concept a little:Privacy is considered a basic right or freedom that a person should be able to enjoy – for example, freedom from unnecessary intrusion into one’s personal life. It can be talked about in terms of a person’s home or the physical territory they occupy… their body… their communications… their information. One challenge with defining privacy – particularly in today’s connected and social world – is that everyone has a different point of view (or threshold) in relation to what they consider to be private. To many, privacy has morphed. It’s no longer really about the right to be left alone. Increasingly, it seems to be about the ability to exercise choice or control.


Protecting Smart Buildings from Cyber Threats

Complex cyber threats to smart buildings range from locking doors and changing building temperature, to pumping gas into specific spaces to harm the occupants In 1998, the sci-fi thriller “Dream House” was the first movie that addressed potential threats by smart home/building infrastructures. Since then, it has become almost impossible to watch a movie describing a hostile takeover of a high-class building without encountering at least one scene dealing with the disruption of the building’s infrastructures and management systems – and for a good reason. Building automation and management systems made considerable progress in recent years, and now provide a significant base for intrusion by threats capable of affecting the operational infrastructures and therefore effect the physical dimensions (by metaphysical threats) and the serviceability and survivability of the ICT systems throughout the organization.


Smart Cities – IoT – IIoT Conferences : Cyber Security has left the Building

Given the number of events covering Smart Cities and Critical infrastructure you would be mistaken for believing the security issues and challenges facing IoT, IIOT and OT are well covered. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Often, the cyber presentations are tacked onto the end of the conference or sidelined to a small room off centre stage.Perhaps cyber security infringes upon the ” IoT / IIoT” kumbaya possibilities” and raises questions and concerns that are best left for others to address? Or perhaps, it’s an area of little interest and not deemed necessary at such prestigious events. After all, who wants to hear about the Ethics and Privacy Implications of these new technologies when you can demo a flashing, beeping, new IoT gadget? Moreover, for the price of an email address and mobile number possibly take one home. Stick around folks, the end of conference draw is coming soon.


Smart Cities and Buildings: The Emergence of the Cyber Safe Building

The Urban Developer ran a feature on the Internet of Things (IoT): How IoT technologies are adding value to commercial buildings. Smart commercial buildings are currently the highest users of IoT technology; and in a landscape where office vacancies are growing, simply providing a workspace in a great location is no longer sufficient. 

MEASC partnership provides real world Framework for ensuring Smart Cities are built securely by design

IoT Security Institute partner MEASC has achieved a remarkable outcome in establishing a MoU with the Egyptian government.Under the MoU Kuwait’s MEASC Safe Smart Cities will cooperate with Egyptian government agencies in the fields of digital transformation, safety and security of smart cities.

    The Privacy of Things. My Robot’s (Leonardo) Right to Privacy

I am white boarding here. I need to disclose upfront, I am not a privacy professional. Simply an individual who values his privacy, and who feels, with some concern, that the next wave of technology driven emancipation will make me even more accessible, dissectible and exploitable a figure than I am now.

No doubt, with all this talk about Smart Tech/AI and future possibilities, the mind starts to wonder.