SCCISP Certification Register

Jordan Plotnek SCCISP

Certification ID: 10085
Professional Profile: Jordan Plotnek received the B.Eng degree with first class honours in telecommunication and network engineering from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia in 2013. He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and a Lead Cybersecurity Researcher at Thales, Montréal, Canada. His research interests are centred around security resilience, cyber-kinetic conflict, and the cybersecurity of modern critical infrastructures.
SCCISP Certificate: The following SCCISP certificate acknowledges the named certification holder has successfully met all professional and academic requirements as stipulated by the IoTSI Certification Board and has been designated the credential of Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure Security Professional. (SCCISP)