Introduction to the IoTSI SCCI Framework

IoTSi public library

IoTSI Framework Deployment Process

This diagram illustrates the document deployment process of the IoTSI Framework. Additional information on the engagement of stakeholders is available within the Facilitation Guide.

IoT Security Institute

IoTSI SCCI Framework  (Core)

Overview of the IoTSI Framework. The Internet of Things Security Institute (IoTSI) has released an IoT Security Framework for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure. The IoT Security Institute’s objective is to provide the cyber and privacy principles that can be implemented from base build through to build completion. Includes methodologies, processes and engagement models.This document provides a walkthrough of the IoTSI Framework.The what and how of the IoTSI Framework.

The IoTSI SCCI Framework - Adopting a Synergistic Collaboration

With the development of smart technologies, and the convergence of IT / OT environments the ability to manage and leverage diverse cyber security frameworks, standards, and procedures can be a challenging prospect

The IoTSI SCCI Framework.Working with the Smart City Mandala

This document provides a quick view of the IoTSI Framework's methodology, its key components, workflows processes and their applicability within smart tech eco-systems. Document includes an example of how the IoTSI Framework can be utilized within a Smart Cities Mandala context.
Although, the IoTSI Framework is agnostic to which Smart Cities or Smart Tech strategy/methodology is being implemented, it is worth noting the IoTSI Framework can be overlayed/incorporated with this frequently referenced Strategy for Smart Cities.Three key components underpin the process: Organizational Readiness, Security Engineering and Risk Analysis (CMU-SERA), and Framework Report

 Smart Cyber Engineering - Cyber Security within the Built Enviroment

The future of smart urban planning will usher in an era of creativity, functionality and convenience resulting in unprecedented opportunities.  Key to this successful building evolution will be the assurance that private, public and corporate cyber safety is maintained and protected to community expectations

IoTSI Overview Smart Cyber Engineering