Search Results: "online cyber security certification"
SCCISP Certification Addressing the Global Cyber Shortage
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesIn the US alone, organizations currently employ 804,700 cybersecurity professionals, and it would take a 62% increase to fill the current shortage of 498,480 needed workers.The gap in Asia Pacific is much larger at 2.6 million and somewhat narrower in Eur
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02:26 Popular
IoT Security Institute Framework Example - Smart Parking
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesAn example of the IoT Security Framework\'s deployment model and capabilities within a smart parking context. The IoTSI is a flexible deployment based framework for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure that can be implemented across an array of smart
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01:30 Popular
SCCISP Certification Overview
Added 620 Views / 0 LikesIntroducing the SCCISP ( Smart Cities & Critical Infrastructure Security Professional) from the IoT Security Institute.More about the IoTSI