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Cyber Certification For A Smart World - Empowering The Next Generation of Cyber Professionals
62.2k Views / 1 LikesFeatured -
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SCCISP Certification provides "real world" deployment-based training for Next Gen Cyber Professional
40.2k Views / 0 LikesSCCISP certification provides "real world" deployment focused training designed to impart actual skills and essential process knowledge that can be implemented in real-world scenarios. As a result, the SCCISP Foundation and Associate courses include the I
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4 Popular
SCCISP Foundation:Next Gen Smart Cyber Security Certification - Get SCCISP Certified Today!
27.4k Views / 0 LikesThe SCCISP Foundation Certification provides industry based professional smart cyber skills recognition, and an industry recognized credentialed career pathway for Cyber professionals working within or looking to enter the Smart technologies and Critical
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5 01:51 Popular
The IoTSI in your pocket
24k Views / 0 LikesThe IoTSI in you pocket .....Join the largest IoT Security & Privacy Network and gain access to industry and academic resources and materials.
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SCCISP Certification Addressing the Global Cyber Shortage
17.1k Views / 0 LikesIn the US alone, organizations currently employ 804,700 cybersecurity professionals, and it would take a 62% increase to fill the current shortage of 498,480 needed workers.The gap in Asia Pacific is much larger at 2.6 million and somewhat narrower in Eur
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Securing Smart Cities - Resilience by Design
13.6k Views / 0 LikesIoTSI President Alan Mihalic discusses cyber security and resilience by design principles for securing smart cities and critical infrastructure.......and the need for smart cyber frameworks to ensure security controls are included at all stages of the BIo
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The 5 Step SCCISP Certification Process
13.3k Views / 0 LikesThe SCCISP prepares industry professionals with the necessary skills to address "smart world" cyber and privacy challenges. The SCCISP is offered at a graded level to best accommodate an individual'slevel of knowledge and experience within the cyber secur
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IRIS Sentinel LATAM SCCISP Authorized Training Partner ATP
9,519 Views / 0 LikesIRIS Sentinel una marca de Wellness TechGroup e IoTSI - SCCISP Authorized Training Partner (ATP) lanza su Programa de Certificación SCCISP en LATAM.IRIS Sentinel, el primer ATP en España, ahora ofrece capacitación en certificaci&oacut
10 01:07 Popular
IRIS Sentinel LATAM SCCISP Authorized Training Partner (ATP) 001
9,415 Views / 0 LikesIRIS Sentinel a Wellness TechGroup brand and IoTSI - SCCISP Authorized Training Partner (ATP) launches its SCCISP Certification Program in LATAM.The first ATP in Spain, IRIS Sentinel now provides SCCISP certification training to LATAM countries, Colombia,
11 58:02 Popular
IoT Day - IoTSI Smart Cities and CI Framework - Security by Design within a Built Environment.
9,043 Views / 0 LikesIoT Day: Key Speaker Alan Mihalic, SCCISP: \"IoTSI Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure Framework - Security by Design within a Built Environment.\"
12 02:56 Popular
The MEASC & IoT Security Institute Partnership.
8,978 Views / 0 LikesThe MEASC & IoT Security Institute Partnership.The Partnership acknowledges the collaborative approach required to address current and emerging cyber challenges facing Smart City deployments.
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Why the need for a Smart Cyber Framework? A Synergistic Approach
7,949 Views / 0 LikesIntroducing the IoTSI Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure FrameworkA high-levelview of the IoTSI Framework\'s methodology, its components, workflows and processes and their applicability within Smart Tech.
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14 Popular
SCCISP Campus Cyber Security Maritime Certification
7,844 Views / 0 LikesThe SCCISP Maritime certification has been developed for the next generation of Cyber and Privacy Professionals working within the Maritime sector. Our research indicates, and feedback received from Governmentand Corporate sectors reinforces the growing d
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15 02:06 Popular
Abbey Tripp introduces the IoT Security Institute
7,051 Views / 0 LikesAbbey Tripp - IoTSI Ambassador introduces the IoT Security Institute and explains current IoTSI activities.for more formation visit https://iotsecurityinstitute.com
17 01:21 Popular
The SCCISP Certification Program Secure you Future in Cyber Security
4,854 Views / 0 LikesThe SCCISP Certification is an IoT Security Institute educational initiative to provide certification courses that offer academic acknowledgement, and industry-recognized credentialed career pathways for individuals working within or looking to develop a
18 07:53 Popular
OEA, Laboratorio Ciberseguridad para los Parlamentos. Entrevista Freddy Macho
4,588 Views / 0 LikesOEA, Laboratorio Ciberseguridad para los Parlamentos. Entrevista Freddy Macho IoTSi Chile Chapter Presidente.https://iotsi.io
19 01:17 Popular
SCCISP Campus: Four Million Cyber Professionals Needed - Start your Cyber Security Career Today!
4,013 Views / 0 LikesLaunch Your Career in Cyber Security Today! Are you ready to step into one of the most dynamic and in-demand fields of the future? The cyber security industry is facing a critical shortage of professionals—over 4 million positions are waiting to be
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Welcome to the SCCISP Campus - Cyber Certification for a Smart World
3,605 Views / 0 LikesFeatured -
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SCCISP - Empowering the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals
3,543 Views / 1 LikesThe SCCISP Certification is an IoT Security Institute educational initiative that providescertification courses that offer academic acknowledgement, and an industry recognised credentialed career pathway for cyber security professionals working in, or see
23 01:26 Popular
SCCISP Certification - Secure your future in Cyber Security
2,723 Views / 1 LikesSCCISP Certification - Secure your future in Cyber Securityhttps://sccispcampus.com
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Privacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution. With Jonathan Reichental
2,443 Views / 0 LikesInthis first episode of Season 2, Nicole is joined by DrJonathanReichental, global thought leader, influential speaker and award winning CIO.Jonathantalks aboutthe4thIndustrialRevolutionand examinesprivacyconcepts (like consent and choice)inthecontext of
25 00:31 Popular
Smart Cities & Critical Infrastructure Security Professional (SCCISP)
2,439 Views / 0 LikesThe IoT Security Institute is the authorized certification body for the Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure Security Professional (SCCISP) certification. More information on SCCISP certification can be obtained from the SCCISP Campus - https://sccisp
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Reprising ‘Trust Sucks’. With Nick Espinosa
2,030 Views / 0 LikesNickEspinosa, Chief Security Fanatic and host of the nationally syndicatedradio show “The Deep Dive” (USA),sharesan insightful view aboutTrust–in particular,theerosion of cognitivetrustin ourreliance on digital technologies and how gover
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Unhacking our Smart Cities. With John Tsopanis and Sophie Payne
1,914 Views / 0 LikesJT andSophietalk about the risky business of data giants enablingourSmartCitiesand the opportunities we have now, in terms of public policy and models of citizen engagement, to change the trajectory ofoursociety. This isourlast interview for 2019 on the I
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India’s unique privacy culture with Prashant Mali
1,894 Views / 0 LikesPrashantMali, expert in cyber andprivacylaw, talks aboutIndia’s evolvingprivacycultureand the need for additional security andprivacydialogue in the country’s government-led Smart Cities Mission. He shares his perspective on how technology can
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Converging the digital and our day-to-day lives.With Ben Scott
1,865 Views / 0 LikesNicole speakswithBenScott, cybersecurity expert, behavioural scientist andresearcher. He shares what sparked his interest intherelationship between privacyand IoT technologies and reflects on how privacy fits in tothecentral premise of a smart city–
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Understanding what is ‘personal’ in an IoT context
1,864 Views / 0 LikesInourintroductory podcastinthePrivacy Mattersseries, we talked broadly aboutwhatprivacyis… and set the stage for further discussion about the opportunities privacy best practice can presentinanInternet of Things (IoT) eco-system. Privacyisabout the
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You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. With Vance Lockton
1,856 Views / 0 LikesVanceLockton, Manager for Digital Governance (and a privacy professionalinthethick of it) at Waterfront Toronto, shares valuable perspective onthechallenges of creating truly 'smart' cities andtheimportance of preventing privacy harm attheoutset. For him,
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Securing data, a passion and a purpose. With Mandy Turner.
1,842 Views / 0 LikesI’m joined today by an amazing operator in the cyber space,MandyTurner. Mandyhas hadadiverse career ranging from musician, artist, fraud investigator, risk assessor, trainer & analyst. She currently works asaSenior Cyber Crime Analyst and, prior
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Privacy matters… because it matters!
1,820 Views / 0 LikesIn this episode of thePrivacyMatterspodcast series,NicoleStephensenspeakswithSophie Bradshaw,PrivacyLawyer. They cover the importance of maintaining thenormative dialogue(community engagement and trust) when considering IoT technologies; the value ofpriva
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First we shape our cities, and then they shape us. With Lucinda Hartley
1,809 Views / 0 LikesNeighbourlytics co-Founder,LucindaHartley, talks about measuring quality of life and well-being inourcitiesto influence urban development solutions and positive community outcomes... and about the deep importance of privacy in the equation.Neighbourlytics
35 29:13 Popular
An interview with Alan Mihalic. IoT Security Institute Founder and President
1,805 Views / 0 LikesAlan Mihalic - President IoT Security Institute interviewed by Nicole Stephensen host of the Privacy Matters Show.Discussion topics include:The formation of the IoT Security InstituteThe SCCISP certification program. Its industry origins, objectives, and
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A long overdue chat about... everything! With Alan Mihalic.
1,784 Views / 0 LikesIoTSI President,AlanMihalic, talks about what the institute and its dedicated volunteers have been up to in recent months (we haven't been sleeping!) - the Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure Security Professional (SCCISP) certification foundation an
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Let privacy be the difference you design for. With Craig Stadler
1,738 Views / 0 LikesHow we create our products, systems and platforms - long before they are ever deployed in a smart city context - is an essential piece oftheprivacypuzzle.CraigStadler, Founder and CEO ofPetey Vid, talks about his journey in designing and building aprivacy
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Michelle Dennedy. If Pigs Could Fly: Creating a Career in Privacy and Cybersecurity
1,703 Views / 0 Likes -
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Data trust by design with Nathan Kinch.
1,692 Views / 0 LikesIn this episode, Nicole is joinedbyNathanKinch, CEO ofGreater Than X(a consultancy focused ondataethics, privacy engineering anddatatrustbydesign).Nathancoined the term “datatrustbydesign” – which is a tangible, relevantdesign-based appr
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Privacy and security: a practical intersection
1,655 Views / 0 LikesIn this episode of the Privacy Matters podcast series, Nicole Stephensen speaks withDr Keith Marlow. They canvas the importance of understanding the unique value of personal information as an information asset and the cooperative roles of a Chief Privacy
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Mi Data... my data. With Paul Marek
1,649 Views / 0 LikesIn this episode, Paul speaks about the importance of Privacy by Design - a term first coined by Dr Ann Cavoukian - and how it is an essential consideration in modern privacy protection. Learn more here:https://www.ryerson.ca/pbdce/about/ann-cavoukian/ Pau
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The easier we make it for ourselves… the easier we make it for the bad guys! With Scott E Augenbaum.
1,621 Views / 0 LikesFormer FBI agent and celebrated author,ScottEAugenbaum, talks about cybercrime andthethings that keep him up at night. Sincewecan’t throw out all our connected devices to keepourselvessafe,Scottshares 5 great tips to minimisetherisk of becoming vict
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Privacy in these strange days. With Bronwyn Voyce
1,580 Views / 0 LikesAt the time of recording this episode,Bronwynwas the Europe Lead for the Smart Cities Council and founder of Civic Futures Lab. She wasinher mandatory quarantine period following her return from Europe to Australia as COVID-19 lockdown measures were being
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The insufficiency of ‘good intentions’. With Neil Readshaw
1,535 Views / 0 LikesWe all know wheretheroad pavedwithgoodintentionswill lead... andNeilReadshaw,CSO and DPO at Anonyome('Anon-oh-me') Labs encourages Smart Cities to get a firmer, dedicated and disciplined grasp on what will happen to personal information inthecontextofthei
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The Internet of Me. With Joanne Cooper
1,515 Views / 0 LikesNicole is joined byJoanneCooper, Founder and Managing DirectorofID Exchange.Joannetalks aboutthechallengeofusing traditional consent models in a digitised (or smart) city environment; howtheprevalenceofInternetofThings technologies has spawned a new &ldqu
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Bridging the Gap: Women in Cybersecurity
1,486 Views / 0 LikesIn this Cyber Tangent episode, we are joined by Mary-Sara Camerino, SVP of Product at Nehemiah Security.Our podcast host is Landon Johnson. Today's topic is "Bridging the Gap: Women in Cybersecurity." Let's jump in!
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Empowering “frank and fearless” conversations. With Jane Frankland.
1,411 Views / 0 LikesGlobal cybersecurity influencer and best-selling author,JaneFrankland, knows the risks associatedwithdeployment of IoT and other technologies. She talks about elevating voices in privacy and cybersecurity to ensure the rightconversationsare taking place.
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Data done right. With Greg Hallam
1,411 Views / 0 LikesLocal Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) CEOGregHallamtalks about the importance ofdatain a smart city environment, the LGAQ's 'DataEthics Framework' and the imperative for municipal governments to build and maintain citizen trust. In this episod
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The importance of a local Chief Privacy Officer. With Mike Shapiro.
1,407 Views / 0 LikesSanta Clara CountyChiefPrivacyOfficer,MikeShapiro, discussestheimportanceofhaving dedicatedprivacyleadership in our cities. He offers insight onthestrategic and operational valueofaCPO andtheimportanceofempowering all employees to become ‘privacycha