Search Results: "Provacy Matters Show"
The easier we make it for ourselves… the easier we make it for the bad guys! With Scott E Augenbaum.
Added 1,605 Views / 0 LikesFormer FBI agent and celebrated author,ScottEAugenbaum, talks about cybercrime andthethings that keep him up at night. Sincewecan’t throw out all our connected devices to keepourselvessafe,Scottshares 5 great tips to minimisetherisk of becoming vict
Privacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution. With Jonathan Reichental
Added 2,427 Views / 0 LikesInthis first episode of Season 2, Nicole is joined by DrJonathanReichental, global thought leader, influential speaker and award winning CIO.Jonathantalks aboutthe4thIndustrialRevolutionand examinesprivacyconcepts (like consent and choice)inthecontext of