IoTSI on Discord

IoT Security Institute Discord Server 

Many of our IoTSI members have requested a platform where cyber professionals can discuss in detail, and exchange information on an array of Smart Cyber Technology challenges and opportunities.Considering options, IoTSI decided the Discord platform would best provide the necessary interaction and engagement capabilities to meet member requirements.

The IoTSI Discord server is now live. Early days, so we encourage you to join. We hope you post content, share ideas,opinions,opportunities, and help get this community initiative up and running. Thank you for your ongoing support.

The Pitch:

 Join the IoT Security Institute Discord server, the Smart Cyber  hub for cyber professionals navigating the complexities of IoT, IIoT, and Smart Technologies. Engage in vibrant discussions on cyber security challenges and innovative solutions, covering a wide array of topics including risk management, security architectures, ICS security, IoT Security, AI security, security policies and standards, and security engineering.

Connect with like-minded professionals and experts in the field, expanding your professional network and accessing consultant services. Whether you're seeking assistance,job opportunities, sharing insights, or looking to find skilled resources, our community provides the perfect platform for collaboration and growth.

Join us today and be a part of shaping the future of cyber security in the realm of IoT and beyond!