First we shape our cities, and then they shape us. With Lucinda Hartley
Neighbourlytics co-Founder, Lucinda Hartley, talks about measuring quality of life and well-being in our cities to influence urban development solutions and positive community outcomes... and about the deep importance of privacy in the equation.Neighbourlytics co-Founder, Lucinda Hartley, talks about measuring quality of life and well-being in our cities to influence urban development solutions and positive community outcomes... and about the deep importance of privacy in the equation.
Nicole has a great – and timely – chat with Lucinda Hartley about the importance of leveraging data for the public good. Questions about the handling of personal information in the context of Covid-19 contact tracing certainly came up, but more importantly the discussion focuses on good decision making – before gathering the data, when collecting the data (and how), and then when using the data to inform “city making”.Nicole has a great – and timely – chat with Lucinda Hartley about the importance of leveraging data for the public good. Questions about the handling of personal information in the context of Covid-19 contact tracing certainly came up, but more importantly the discussion focuses on good decision making – before gathering the data, when collecting the data (and how), and then when using the data to inform “city making”.
Lucinda makes a really interesting observation about “asking the right questions” and being very intentional about the problems we want to use data to solve.
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